Sunday, June 12, 2011

Skrillex and The Wonder Years

So as promised this post will be talking about the two new albums, More Monsters and Spirits by Skrillex and Suburbia I've Given You All and Now I'm Nothing by The Wonder Years.

MM&S-- This EP by Skrillex has what is now by far my favorite dubstep song, First of the Year (Equinox), which is a type of sequel of the song Scary Monsters & Nice Spirits. If you are a true Skrillex fan, or just a fan of that song, you will love the first song on Skrillex new Ep. The new song contains the same loved voice which screams "Yes, Oh My Gosh" (Cup Stacker Girl on YouTube) but this time she screams "CALL 911 NOW!" Also in this Ep there is one new song with a shorter and longer version and 4 new SM&NS remixes.

SIGYA&NIN-- (first off lololss <---- that abbreviation is funny) So this new full length album by The Wonder Years is filled with amazing new stuff that is expected from The Wonder Years. They have put great vocals and rifts together to make a great album that is an amazing soundtrack for the summer. My personal favorite songs ,on this album of 14 songs, are Came Out Swinging (which is the first on the album) and Summers in PA. This full album has the same feel of other The Wonder Years albums while still giving you something new and fresh to party hard with.

For all of you waiting for these albums to come out you will be satisfied with what comes your way. For everyone who is going to Warped get pumped for what The Wonder Years will give you. I know I'll be out there ready for it.


  1. Excellent post, I think I'll check out Skrillex now.

    Keep up the hard work =3

  2. Gotta love Skrillex ;)
    Cool blog btw.

  3. Interesting tunes!
    I'm more of a hip-hop kind of guy.
    I'll check some of these guys out though.
    Followed! I'll be checking back for more updates.

  4. I respect your taste in music, but I just don't really like dubstep. In my personal opinion it is empty music, devoid of soul, style, meaning, and personality

  5. I love Skrillex, I got a bunch of his songs on my playlist. Great post, I'm going to follow this.

  6. I'll actually get to see Skrillex in August at Lolla

  7. Just listening to them on YouTube, quite like some of these

  8. I love Skrillex, he does seem a little mainstream now though.

  9. Skrillex+weed+mushroom=Enlightenment

  10. mmm never heard of that band ill do a utube search on their songs tho :D
